Re-Membering - Mother Nature

This oil painting, “Re-Membering-Mother Nature,” completed in autumn of 2019, followed the expressive, intense series, “Extreme Weather. “ It may seem to be something of an antidote, in its calm, colorful presence. However, it is not exactly that. It follows the dramatic weather paintings with a transparent figure, Mother Nature, the ultimate artist, gesturing to her audience, actually to humanity, with an offering and a rebuke, as if to say “ Here, I have given you all of this and what have you done with it? ”

I based this figure on a composite of two earlier works, “Surrogate Mother” 2007, from “Our Lady of the Roses Series” and “Re-Membering” 1999, which consists of two painted drawings of two figures on two overlapping scrolls. “Re-Membering,” in both pieces of that name, refers to putting the pieces back together. Globally, it appears that we have definitely reached a major crossroads of things coming apart, and we have this stunning moment’s opportunity to put the pieces back together or to allow the degradation of our environment and our civilization to continue beyond recognition!

photos by CM ILLGEN.

Re-Membering - Mother Nature 2019 oils/canvas 68 x 54”

Re-Membering - Mother Nature 2019 oils/canvas 68 x 54”

Re-Membering 1999 two overlapping scrolls - mixed media on vellum 84 x 96”

Re-Membering 1999 two overlapping scrolls - mixed media on vellum 84 x 96”

Surrogate Mother - Our Lady of the Roses Series 2007 oils/canvas 68 x 54”

Surrogate Mother - Our Lady of the Roses Series 2007 oils/canvas 68 x 54”